Gem Hydronic heating is one of Melbourne's sought after installation and servicing specialists. 

Hydronic Heating is extreme comfort. It’s silent, efficient and provides a natural heat convection around your home. There is no fans to circulate the air which means no dust or allergens. It truly is a clean and health heating solution.

Gem Group has been providing hydronic systems and service to its clients all over Melbourne for over 15 years.







Alex Garner is a third generation hydronic heating installer first learning his skills of hydronic Heating from his father Tony Garner. Tony migrated from England in 1982 and soon after set out supplying and install hydronic heating systems in Melbourne. Alex as a young boy would would work with his farther on weekends and school holidays, he loved the work and would later work under his father as an apprentice.

In April 2006 GEM GROUP PTY LTD was born and Alex set out on taking over the family business. Gem has now been providing Hydronic Heating services to its valued clients for over 15 years and is a leading and trusted contractor in the industry. We still adopt the 3 main principles Service, Quality and low pricing.


How does Hydronic Heating work?